# (decoded with TMPL 256) NumStrings: (30 entries) 0: The Cause: -1 The string: 'Erreur interne.' 1: The Cause: -2 The string: 'Trop d'applications en attente.' 2: The Cause: -3 The string: 'Erreur interne.' 3: The Cause: -4 The string: 'Carte en utilisation.' 4: The Cause: -5 The string: 'Erreur interne.' 5: The Cause: -6 The string: 'Carte non initialisŽe.' 6: The Cause: -7 The string: 'Erreur interne.' 7: The Cause: -8 The string: 'Erreur interne.' 8: The Cause: -9 The string: 'Mise ˆ jour d'un composant de la carte nŽcessaire.' 9: The Cause: -10 The string: 'Cause de libŽration inconnue.' 10: The Cause: -11 The string: 'Fentre paquet erronŽe.' 11: The Cause: -12 The string: 'Taille de paquet erronŽe.' 12: The Cause: -13 The string: 'Taxation au demandŽ erronŽe.' 13: The Cause: -14 The string: 'SŽlection rapide erronŽe.' 14: The Cause: -15 The string: 'GFA erronŽ.' 15: The Cause: -16 The string: 'Adresse X25 d'appelŽe erronŽe.' 16: The Cause: -17 The string: 'Adresse X25 d'appelant erronŽe.' 17: The Cause: -18 The string: 'DonnŽes utilisateur erronŽes.' 18: The Cause: -19 The string: 'Mauvais champ X25.' 19: The Cause: -20 The string: 'Erreur niveau 2 X25 (LAPB).' 20: The Cause: -21 The string: 'Erreur niveau 3 X25.' 21: The Cause: -22 The string: 'Adresse multiligne erronŽe.' 22: The Cause: -23 The string: 'Erreur protocole multiligne.' 23: The Cause: 16 The string: 'Suppression dÕappel normale.' 24: The Cause: 57 The string: 'Hors service.' 25: The Cause: 58 The string: 'Pas de rŽponse dÕusager.' 26: The Cause: 59 The string: 'Usager occupŽ.' 27: The Cause: 62 The string: 'Appel rejetŽ.' 28: The Cause: 90 The string: 'Correspondant initialisŽ.' 29: The Cause: 112 The string: 'Erreur de procŽdure locale'